Saturday, July 22, 2006


We regret to inform you...

Prozac Rat has recently experienced a minor setback in their career. They died. But t is our duty (as the still-growing hair on the lifeless heads of Noah Daniel Smith:The Greatest Man On Earth and Mr. Dietr) to continue to spread the music of Prozac Rat to all the good people of the world. And, as soon as we are ready, we will also be issuing "incantations" to all of Prozac Rat's fans, in the hopes that through these, and other acts of "black magic," "black art," "voodoo," and whatever the hell else the kids are doing these days, we can successfully, over time, bring Prozac Rat back from the land of the dead. We also vow to track down the bastards that did this to Prozac Rat and make them pay for their crimes. Thank you for your support.


The Hair On Prozac Rat's Lifeless Heads

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


5 1/2 Hours: Something Is Happening

Something is happening to Prozac Rat. Something strange. Something uncertain. Prozac Rat feels weaker, uneasy, and yet completely relieved. Prozac Rat hopes this will all turn out okay, though they believe darker days are before them. What is happening? There is thunder and lighting. There is a message. Someone is looking for Prozac Rat. What's the proper procedure?

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