Saturday, June 24, 2006


26: I am radioactive.

My blood is clean. I am radioactive. It's a nuclear injection. But I am clean. My blood is clean.

If I were a Spice Girl, I would probably be Retrospective Spice. How about you?

Thursday, June 15, 2006


35: It should have been obvious...

We set up to start doing some recording in our studio this evening. We didn't have a single pair of headphones in the whole Colony. You'd think we'd own one functioning pair of headphones. We'll have to straighten things out in the morning.

Monday, June 05, 2006


45: We have the Internet.

We the Prozac Rat have the internet in Su Su Studio now. Now it's on.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


49: The Phil Colony/Colliny Drama!

I'm waiting for a video to upload. It's Terry. He sings pretty. I'd love to share him with you. Prozac Rat has a house. Today we bought a weedwacker, and Prozac Rat groomed its lawn. Our home has a name, but we can't settle on whether it should be called "The Phil Colony" or "The Phil Colliny." Votes? We hate having mail come to the house without it addressed to the proper name. Speaking of which, we have a studio there as well which we are working on. It has a name, which, like the house's name, is difficult to decide. Should it be "Su Su Studio" or Stu Stu Studio?" We cannot decide. Saw The DaVinci Code last week. It was an all right flick. "Audrey" rhymes with "hottie."

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